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Tegernsee Masters 2020 R5: Leon holds Germany no.3 Donchenko to a draw

by Shahid Ahmed - 05/11/2020

Leon Mendonca continues his fantastic form as he held Germany no.3 Alexander Donchenko to a draw. He made his intentions clear early in the game playing aggressively. Despite having a difficult endgame, Leon fought till the end to salvage a half point. He is now at 2.0/5 and his opponent Donchenko has taken a sole lead with 3.5/5. Leon was supposed to face Keymer in Round 6, since he is in quarantine, Leon will resume his tournament in Round 7 against IM Ashot Parvanyan. Nisipeanu and Thai scored victories over Parvanyan and Fier respectively in Round 5. Photo: GM Sebastian Siebrecht

Donchenko takes sole lead

Leon Mendonca continues his impressive run in the tournament as he held Germany no.3 Alexander Donchenko to a draw in an 83-move marathon game. The 14-year-old lad from Goa started aggressively and showed no fear against the top German player. Despite having a difficult endgame and at one point completely lost, Leon did not give up. He fought till the end like a warrior and saved the game by making a draw. Leon moves to 2.0/5. Today he has no games as he was supposed to face Keymer who is in quarantine now. Leon will return to the tournament on Friday 6th November against IM Ashot Parvanyan.

Leon moves to the fourth position with 1.5/4 | Stock photo: Niklesh Jain

Donchenko - Leon 0.5-0.5

Leon Mendonca played fearlessly against Donchenko from the very beginning of the game.

Position after 8...h5

Leon made his intentions very clear with 8...h5

Position after 17.e4

It seems like black is about to be in a pickle. Find out the best continuation for black after 17.e4

Position after 24.Rd2

White having connected passed pawn on a and b-file should give white a substantial advantage but it's not easy because black's pieces are active. White is yet to develop the a1-rook and c1-bishop.

Position after 34...f5

The position seems to be winning for white. Find out the winning plan for white after 34...f5

Chess Endgames 8 - Practical Rook Endgames
Chess Endgames 8 - Practical Rook Endgames

Parvanyan - Nisipeanu 0-1

Parvanyan started aggressively against Nisipeanu. He got a good initiative but couldn't continue with it.

Position after 13...Qd8

White should have continued here with 14.gxh5, who knows things could have turned out differently then. Decelerating with 14.Kg2 certainly did not help when white wanted to play aggressively from the beginning.

Power Play 20: Test Your Attacking Chess
Power Play 20: Test Your Attacking Chess

Ashot needed to follow through on his plans correctly | Photo: GM Sebastian Siebrecht

Fier - Thai 0-1

Fier is struggling to find his form. Despite playing bravely, he captured a wrong piece at the cost of his weakened king stranded at the center of the board.

Position after 16.dxc5

White captured black's bishop with 16.dxc5 which is a bad idea. Find out why.

Power Play 2 - Attacking the king
Power Play 2 - Attacking the king

Fier is still in search of his form | Photo: GM Sebastian Siebrecht

Dardha had an uneventful draw with Luigi | Photo: GM Sebastian Siebrecht

Replay Round 5 games

Round 5 results

Bo.No.Rtg NameResultName RtgNo.
132468IMDardha Daniel½ - ½GMBasso Pier Luigi257010
242658GMDonchenko Alexander½ - ½IMMendonca Leon Luke24992
352588GMKeymer VincentGMBlübaum Matthias26721
462451IMParvanyan Ashot0 - 1GMNisipeanu Liviu-Dieter26579
572562GMFier Alexandr0 - 1GMNguyen Thai Dai Van25718

Pairings of all rounds


Rank Prize
1st 2500
2nd 2000
3rd 1500
4th 1000
5th 500

Total Prize fund is €7500.


31st October - 7th November - 7:30 p.m. IST

8th November - 3:30 p.m. IST


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