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10th Norway Chess 2022 R3: Anand beats Hao in Armageddon, maintains sole lead

by Shahid Ahmed - 03/06/2022

Vishy Anand played his first Armageddon of 10th Norway Chess 2022 in the third round against Hao Wang. He won the must-win game convincingly. The maestro maintained his sole lead 7.5/9. Magnus Carlsen and Maxime Vachier-Lagrave scored their first Classical victories of the event against Teimour Radjabov and Aryan Tari respectively. Wesley So gave Anish Giri a taste of his own medicine. Although it was completely winning for the Fischer Random world champion, he drew as it was enough for him to win the match. Mamedyarov beat Topalov in Armageddon to win the match. Round 4 starts today from 5 p.m. local time (8:30 p.m. IST). Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Carlsen and Vachier-Lagrave score in Classical

The third round had two decisive Classical games. Two out of three Armageddon were won with the white pieces. Just like the previous day, the third Armageddon were drawn by the black pieces, although it was winning because Armageddon has draw odds for Black.

Vishy Anand won his first Armageddon of the event | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Carlsen - Radjabov: 3-0

Magnus Carlsen (2864) took a pawn in the opening, which he defended in an ugly way, according to him. It eventually played a crucial role in his victory over Teimour Radjabov (2753).

Position after 10...Nxa6

White took the c4-pawn 11.Qxc4 and eventually the b2-pawn became a passed after black's c-pawn got exchanged with d4 in the next few moves.

Power Play 24: A repertoire for black against the Catalan
Power Play 24: A repertoire for black against the Catalan
Grandmaster Repertoire 1A - The Catalan by Boris Avrukh
Grandmaster Repertoire 1A - The Catalan by Boris Avrukh

Carlsen scored his first Classical victory of the event | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Anand - Hao: 1.5-1

The Classical game between Vishy Anand (2751) and Hao Wang (CHN, 2744) ended in a draw. Anand won the Armageddon after his opponent decided to give up his queen for a rook and a knight.

Position after 23...Nxe4

Black made a very good practical decision of playing 23...Nxe4 because it is quite difficult to win Armageddon with white pieces. Although white gets a minute extra, black having the draw odds puts added pressure on white. In this case, Anand took the challenge. He captured the bishop 24.Rxc8 Qxc8 25.Nxc8 Rxc8 26.Qg4 and went on to win the game, thus the match too.

Hao does Vishy Anand do it? | Video: ChessBase India
Viswanathan Anand Interview after Round 3 | Video: Norway Chess
Hao Wang interview after Round 3 | Video: Norway Chess

Vishy Anand conquered Armageddon too | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Mamedyarov won an exciting Armageddon against Topalov | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov Interview after Round 3 | Video: Norway Chess
Veselin Topalov Interview after Round 3 | Video: Norway Chess

Aryan Tari - Maxime Vachier-Lagrave: 0-3 | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Tari shares his thoughts about a move during the game

Aryan Tari Interview after Round 3 | Video: ChessBase India

Wesley So won the match against Anish Giri in Armageddon | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess
Anish Giri Interview after Round 3 | Video: Norway Chess
10th Norway Chess 2022 Round 3 Live Commentary by IM Sagar Shah | Video: ChessBase India

Photo Gallery

Magnus Carlsen with his young fans before Round 3 | Photo: Norway Chess

A little kid takes a selfie with Norway no.2 Aryan Tari | Photo: Lennart Ootes/Norway Chess

Round 3 results | Photo: Norway Chess

Replay Round 3 games

Standings after Round 3

Vishy Anand maintains his sole lead 7.5/9 | Photo: Norway Chess

Round 4 pairings

Vishy Anand will face his immediate pursuer Wesley So in Round 4 | Photo: Norway Chess


Blitz Round 1 starts on 30th May 2022. at 6 p.m. local time (9:30 p.m. IST).

Classical games will be played from 31st May to 10th June 2022. Everyday game starts at 5 p.m. local time (8:30 p.m. IST). 4th and 8th June are the rest days.

10th Norway Chess 2022 schedule | Photo: Norway Chess


Official site

Tournament Regulations

Blitz Tournament Regulations

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